Thursday, April 28, 2011

24-week update

growing, growing, tummy is expanding quite nicely, as you can see. she's kicking all the time. even to the point of seeing my stomach poke out. i cannot keep ely's attention long enough for him to witness it. soon enough.

i had a check in last friday. a week early due to some concerns. luckily, all was fine in baby land. our next appt will be 5/20. we'll also have an U/S to take a look at the previa situation. hopefully, the placenta has moved, and we can cross that concern off our list too :)

i've been nesting a little bit. which is funny, because i never really nested with ely. we went through all the bins of baby stuff that i'd saved from ely's younger days. we were able to salvage all the toys and a lot of the 0-6 month items are gender neutral. she'll just have to be used to wearing some blue in her first few months too. with the help of some other girl cousins, she'll be able to look like a girl in public ;)

we're waiting to re-do the room as a nursery for a few more months. we are hoping to have a few guests in the early summer. so, we'll keep it as a guest room until mid-july. we do know the "theme." (actually, i am not one for themes, but i like to have a color "theme") the plan is red and fuscia with aqua accents. i think this is the bedding we will be purchasing. (gives you a better idea of what we're thinking.)

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